Draw Quick To Get in ... Crack The Code For The WIN! Like a high-speed combination of Codenames and Pictionary, DOODLE HEIST is a fun, fast-paced team drawing game with a twist.
GET READY! Divide into teams, choose an artist, and set the board with clues. Each team’s artist holds a secret key card with the correct answer for the round.
DRAW & GUESS! Both teams race to identify what their artist is drawing using clues on the board. Be careful, many clues are similar!
STEAL & WIN! Win points for guessing your team’s doodle correctly... and if you do it fast enough, steal points from the other team by guessing their doodle too!
INCLUDES: 500 Noun and Adjective cards, Game Board, 2 Dry-Erase Boards, 2 Markers, 1 Sand Timer, 4 Guess Tokens,16 Key Cards
AGE RECOMMENDATION: 10+ (family-friendly content)
TIME: 30 Minute Gameplay